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Gendered microaggressions towards the “only” women coaches in high-performance sport

Following the publication of the research paper “Achieving Gender Equity in High Performance Athletics Coaching”, Professor Leanne Norman (and Richard Simpson) have published the open paper: Gendered microaggressions towards the “only” women coaches in high-performance sport. Professor Leanne Norman posted… Read More »Gendered microaggressions towards the “only” women coaches in high-performance sport

A Joint message from Kyniska and the Female Coaching Network in support of UKA and CEO Joanna Coates.

As founders of organisations with backgrounds in athletics, we have lived experience of the suffering and trauma within the athletics community caused and perpetuated by antiquated systems that did not have our athletes’ safety and protection at their heart. Through… Read More »A Joint message from Kyniska and the Female Coaching Network in support of UKA and CEO Joanna Coates.

Research Findings: A Lack of Professionalisation within High Performance Coaching

Findings: Achieving Gender Equity in High Performance Athletics Coaching in the U.K. This was a significant and recurrent theme across of all the 17 interviews. Professions have certain characteristics that differentiate them from crafts, occupations, or trades. It is not possible… Read More »Research Findings: A Lack of Professionalisation within High Performance Coaching