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Danielle Bouchard – Interview

Danielle Bouchard is a Canadian boxing coach, who, for 2 Pan American Games in a row, had her boxers achieving 2 Golds and 1 bronze. Danielle was a pro-boxer herself achieving many of the sports biggest accolades all before women’s boxing became an Olympic Sport. Now that it has, Danielle is working hard to ensure her boxers achieve a new level of accomplishments and for her to become one of the sports most successful coaches. Danielle, originally from French speaking Quebec, Canada, shared some of her experiences of the recent Pan Am Games and how she became a coach…

I’m very proud of the athletes, it’s their performances. Of course it’s a work team process but at the end, it’s these girls who get into the ring and fight. I’m there to support and give all the knowledge I have to make them feel good, confident and at their best to perform. I?m very happy because we had the same result then the last panam in 2011. Unfortunatly, Ariane did not make the finals, I feel sorry for her.

It was really exciting especially because we were at home. You can feel the crowd and you know that they are there for the Canadians. Beside that, the task is the same, the athlete has to go there, do the same job as if it was a regular bout and? stay in control. During the fight and even before, I have to make sure that everything that the athlete need is there and avoid all the situations that could interfere during the warm up process until we get into the ring. When they are in action, I have to keep my mind and my eyes wild open to see things that we do good, things that we have to change and look for opponent mistakes. In between the rounds, I make sure that the athlete breath well, drink water then I go with what we do good and we do have to continue on and corrections that we need to do. Sometimes you need to motivate, sometimes you have to push the athlete a little bit, it all depend of the fight she is dooing. You know them enough that you can use the specific speech that they need to get better.

Passion, determination and perseverance. When you are passionned, you never count all the time you need to train to be a better fighter. Determination, because you need to fix goal and you have to achieve them step by step. Finally, perseverance and I would say it’s the most difficult because all the way to get to your goal, there’s a lot of difficulties that you have to go thought and it’s never easy you have to keep going.

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