Since the launch of our research project published in February 2021, we have been working alongside UK Athletics and a number of track & field coaches to support an understanding of it’s findings.
We are pleased to announce that as of August 2021, the FCN will be increasing it’s support to UK Athletics and the coaching community to develop plans for improvements within gender equity in coaching.
Our work will be coach-led, coach & athlete centred and researched based. It will involve engaging with the coaching community, supporting the Development Director and Head of Coaching Development and supporting improvements within gender equity in coaching.
You can find the latest news on our work at femalecoachingnetwork.com/track-field/ and keep your eyes out on our social media platforms as we post updates on the change we are creating within the sport.
If you would like more information about our research project, please email us at: info@femalecoachingnetwork.com