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A newsletter every week that aims to inspire, educate and empower female coaches around the Globe with indepth articles, book reviews, interviews and guest blogs!

“I support the FCN for the obvious reasons, if we don’t support ourselves, we will not move forwards. This network is making a difference to women in sport leadership roles, coaching roles and because of this, every aspect of sport will improve. If sport can get it right, the world will be in a better place, why? Because sport saves lives…full stop.””


Join our exclusive WHOOP community of as we endeavour to learn how to prepare ourselves for performance!

“Being part of this group has a very powerful effect on me. These woman inspire me to be better everyday.”


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Coach @janefig1218 is one of the most successful coaches on the Team GB roster, as head coach of the diving programme, and guided Daley to two bronze and one gold medal during their decade-long partnership. She credits the programme with lifting her out of a low point last year.

“I tore my achilles tendon, had surgery on my shoulder, I stopped taking care of myself and what I noticed was not a good feeling,” Figueiredo says. “I didn’t feel like coaching was the way I wanted to go any more. But having these women around me, like Vicky, it’s given me a lot of courage. It reminded me that there’s more to coaching than just the daily grind. This group is on the same journey as me. They understand me and I understand them.”

#coach #coaching #paris #olympics #diving #femalecoach

Coach @mechellelewisfreeman says that One challenge to being part of this community could be sharing a WhatsApp group with your direct rivals. Lewis Freeman is one of three sprint relay coaches in it: “You know what, it did come into my mind – of course it did, I’m a competitor! But, all jokes aside, that’s what this group’s best benefit has been for me too – connecting with someone who is just like you.” #paris #usa #olympics #paralympics #coach #coaching #femalecoach

Coach @janefig1218 is one of the most successful coaches on the Team GB roster, as head coach of the diving programme, and guided Daley to two bronze and one gold medal during their decade-long partnership. She credits the programme with lifting her out of a low point last year.

“I tore my achilles tendon, had surgery on my shoulder, I stopped taking care of myself and what I noticed was not a good feeling,” Figueiredo says. “I didn’t feel like coaching was the way I wanted to go any more. But having these women around me, like Vicky, it’s given me a lot of courage. It reminded me that there’s more to coaching than just the daily grind. This group is on the same journey as me. They understand me and I understand them.”

#coaching #diving #tomdaley #olympics #GB #paris

Group member @sarasymington states: It’s quite a lonely place, coaching or leading certain programmes,” Symington says. “The fact a community of women has been created, even on a WhatsApp group, has been incredible. Women tend to have more impostor syndrome – I do – and it’s having that encouragement to have confidence in what you’re doing. I’ve just learned that you’re not in it alone.”

#paris2024🇫🇷 #Olympics #cycling #GB #femalecoach #coach #performancesport #coaching
🎉 We at the FCN are thrilled to announce our partnership with WHOOP to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. WHOOP gives you all the insights you need to optimize your sleep, recovery, performance, and more.

If you want to look after your own wellbeing to help you perform at your best, join us and our 52 coaches on our Preparation for Paris programme in using the incredible insights from WHOOP and search for the Female Coaching Network community!

$20 off using this link! 👇👇👇

#whoop #preparationforparis #femalecoach #coach #performance #health #wellbeing
Super proud of this amazing group of coaches who are part of our 🇫🇷Preparation for Paris 🥇 programme in partnership with the brilliant @whoop 

Thank you to @molly.mcelwee for such a fantastic write up and to all the coaches involved! #femalecoach #paris2024 #Olympics #paralympics

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