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FCN x WHOOP | Preparation For Paris 2024

Preparation for Paris is an innovative partnership between the Female Coaching Network and WHOOP, designed to support elite female coaches as they prepare for the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Track & Field:Reform 2024 – 2027

This project aims to tackle the lack of female high performance coaches in international track & field and address the cultures and systems in place which prevent women from progressing up the coaching chain. The approach will be to create the foundations of transparent and fair staff selection processes and ensure coaching teams are built around the needs of the athletes. 

FCN x Nike | Track & Field: UK 2020 – 2023

A groundbreaking approach to making much needed change in the world of British track and field and increasing the number of elite female coaches on GB & NI Teams.

FCN Research

A collection of insights and stats creating by and in partnership with the Female Coaching Network

FCN x Tottenham Hotspur x Nike | UEFA B & Beyond 2022 – 2023

The 2022 – 2023 season will see the FCN partner with a major football club to place a female coach on a season long internship. This fully funded season long internship will provide a female football coach a unique learning experience in one of the World’s biggest football clubs.  

FCN European Sports Leadership & Coaching Network 2020 – 2022

 An interactive and supportive platform for women in sports leadership and coaching to connect, share and develop.  The project will encourage discussion on a variety of topics including; how to navigate through a male dominated arena, negotiating salaries and insights into the workings of the high performance sports industry.

“ I would like to thank the Female Coaching Network for sharing the findings with me and also involving me with some of the discussions with the coaches involved in the research, I hope that this proves that we are building trust with groups that previously have felt they were marginalised or excluded by our sport.”


“ We are proud to be working alongside Female Coaching Network to deliver an invaluable learning experience for Danielle. As a Club, we want to lead by example and this innovative internship clearly identifies a need to support women in ways that haven’t been provided elsewhere.